CEC in the News: How this lawsuit by two Pennsylvania voters could affect the 2024 election

The New York Post featured a lawsuit filed by the Center for Election Confidence on behalf of two Luzerne County, Pa. voters who allege the county’s poor administration of the 2022 elections disenfranchised them.

From the article:

Plaintiffs William French, a disabled Army veteran, and Melynda Reese, a caretaker for her ill husband, slapped Luzerne County with a suit in March 2023 alleging they were disenfranchised as a result of the county’s failure to print enough paper ballots at polling locations for the 2022 midterms.

Despite attempting to vote multiple times, French and Reese were told to come back later by county officials but unable to do so because of their extenuating life circumstances.

‘Everything that happened in 2022 could very well happen in 2024 or worse because the county’s just not prepared for it,’ [CEC Senior Counsel Jonathon] Hauenschild told The Post.

Luzerne County officials did not participate in a 2023 congressional hearing into the matter, during which House members concluded there had been “malfeasance, negligence, and incompetence” in the county’s election administration.

To read the full New York Post article click here.

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